I said in a post not so long ago I had another artist working on a story for me. Well, that artist is Steve Pugh. (He of The Saint of Killers mini series, Animal Man and more recently Shark Man.) I urge everyone to pick up his stuff because it is all very cool.
Here are two pages he's done for me for a ten page story called "The Devil Men."
By all means leave a comment if you have any thoughts.
Absolutely wicked. I can't wait to see the rest of the stuff. This is an excellent teaser and gives a great idea of the whole theme. Well worth the wait. Emma
This is really cool stuff. I have real admiration for what you are trying to do here.
Thanks so much for the kind comments on my blogs, it's very encouraging to hear such nice things.
There will definitely be more Taormina. The next adventure is roughed out - just needs final tweaks to the text before I do the artwork.
At 12-16, all I wanted to do was draw comics but as I'm sure you can appreciate, life got in the way somehow.
If the chance arose to work in comics I'd certainly consider it!
Thanks again,
thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Paul :)
Steve Pugh's art is cool!
That's some pretty cool artwork, there. Reminds me of some styles I used to see in the early 90s. Very interesting!
Wow, This is amazing looking stuff. Thank you for checking out my blog by the way. The kind words really help.
Of the 5 or 6 black & whites from that set, the 2 I have up are the best. I'd like to do some more b&w stuff in the future, but I'm just learning to color in photoshop and am pretty excited about that. Anyway, Steve's stuff looks great, and I'm definitely going to find a copy of this somewhere. Will this be published in the U.S.?
Thanks again,
Ken Case
Hi Paul
If you're still trying to get in touch with Annie Parkhouse, I can put you in touch.
jamesthesisbackup AT gmail
You have some really nice artwork here! enjoying the blog!
Hey when are we going to see some more stuff?? You can't just tease us and then leave us hanging!!!
Thanks for all the comments. They're are very much appreciated. As I've said before doing a project like this is a bit like experimenting in a vacuum. So all the encouragement I can get helps. AND by the same token any criticism can go towards a better finished product.
E-girl, sorry I haven't posted more, I've been waiting for more art. Almost everyone I'm dealing with have big commitments with other clients who are their regular employers. It just means that quite understandably I have to be patient. Artists are people too, and they have mortagages to pay and kids to feed like anyone else. BUT I will post some more artwork soon. Hopefully when I've got some lettering done. Although I can't post the whole comics here. I don't want to give everything away.
Anonymous "James?" I'll be e-mailing you in regards to Annie Parkhouse. Cheers.
Again thanks for all the encouragement.
Really neat artwork !!! Very cool !
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